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The Role of Background Music in Boosting Employee Productivity

The Role of Background Music in Boosting Employee Productivity

Written by
James Picken

September 13, 2024


Far from being a distraction, the right music can actually help employees stay focused, energised, and even reduce stress.

In today’s fast-paced work environments, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance productivity and employee well-being. One powerful way of helping to achieve this is (of course) background music - we’ve seen this with a lot of our clients, including co-working spaces, as well as retail and hospitality venues. 

Let’s explore how background music can play a crucial role in boosting employee productivity and creating a more pleasant workplace.

1. Setting the Right Tone for Different Tasks

Different tasks require different mental states, and background music can help employees transition smoothly between various work modes. For example:

  • Repetitive tasks: For activities like data entry or light administrative work, music with a steady rhythm and minimal vocals—like electronic or ambient music—can help employees stay engaged without feeling mentally drained.
  • Creative work: For brainstorming sessions or creative writing, music that inspires flow and relaxation, such as classical or lo-fi beats, can stimulate the imagination and help employees think more freely.

By tailoring the type of music to the task at hand, employers can help employees maintain focus and improve the quality of their work.

2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Workplace stress can hinder productivity, leading to burnout and fatigue. Music has been scientifically proven to reduce stress by lowering cortisol levels—the hormone associated with stress. Playing soothing background music, such as soft instrumental or nature sounds, can help create a more calming environment, which in turn can:

  • Lower anxiety levels, helping employees feel more at ease.
  • Promote mental clarity, allowing workers to focus on their tasks without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Boost morale, making the office feel more inviting and positive.

A relaxed mind is a more productive mind, and music is a simple way to create that atmosphere without major workplace changes.

3. Improving Focus and Concentration

One of the biggest challenges employees face, especially in open office layouts, is maintaining focus amidst distractions. Background music can act as a "white noise" buffer that masks office chatter, keyboard sounds, and other distractions. This is particularly useful in spaces where conversations or noise can break an employee’s concentration.

Studies show that music played at moderate levels can enhance concentration, leading to better cognitive performance on tasks that require memory or problem-solving. However, the key is moderation; music that is too loud or has intrusive lyrics may have the opposite effect and decrease concentration.

4. Increasing Energy Levels and Motivation

Sometimes, employees need an extra boost of energy to push through the afternoon slump or get motivated for a challenging project. Upbeat and rhythmic music, such as pop, rock, or dance, can provide this energising effect. Fast tempos can stimulate the brain and improve alertness, helping employees feel more awake and motivated to tackle their workload.

In fact, research has shown that upbeat music can even improve physical performance, making it a great tool for employees working in physically demanding jobs, or for those looking to stay active during the workday.

5. Fostering a Positive Work Environment

Background music doesn't just affect individual productivity—it can also transform the overall atmosphere of the workplace. A pleasant soundscape can boost employee morale, improve mood, and create a more harmonious and collaborative environment. When employees feel positive, they are more likely to engage with one another, work efficiently, and contribute to a healthier workplace culture.

For instance:

  • Morning playlists with energising tracks can start the day on a high note, getting everyone in the right frame of mind as they settle in for work.
  • Relaxing afternoon playlists can create a comfortable, steady rhythm to help workers push through the rest of the day without feeling stressed or fatigued.

Creating a consistently enjoyable atmosphere helps foster a sense of community and can increase overall job satisfaction.

6. Customising Music for Different Spaces

Not all areas in a workplace need the same type of music. Many of our clients have different music for different ‘zones’. By customising playlists for different spaces, employers can create an environment that maximises productivity in each area:

By matching the mood of the music to the function of the space, you can improve the overall flow of the workplace.

7. Enhanced Engagement

Incorporating employee preferences into background music selection can further enhance productivity. Allowing workers to contribute to playlists (when appropriate) can give employees a sense of autonomy and ownership over their work environment. When employees are happy with the background sound, they are more likely to feel comfortable and stay engaged in their tasks.

For example, We also presented one of our clients, ASK Italian, with a dedicated tool where staff could request tracks to include from an approved master playlist. This little bit of flex gave the wider ASK team the opportunity to connect with the brand’s soundtrack, doing the world of good for staff engagement and morale. Staff were also encouraged to send track requests to head office, so we put together a playlist that they could bop away to before and after opening.

8. Boosting Creativity and Problem-Solving

For creative roles, music has a special role in helping employees think outside the box. Genres like jazz, ambient, or classical are often linked to heightened creativity because of their unpredictable and intricate sound patterns. These styles can encourage abstract thinking, helping employees approach problems from new perspectives and enhancing innovation.

Incorporating background music into the workplace is a simple yet effective way to boost employee productivity, reduce stress, and foster a positive work environment.

By creating an environment that taps into the power of music, businesses can improve focus, motivation, and morale, leading to happier, more productive employees.

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The Role of Background Music in Boosting Employee Productivity

James Picken

With an MA in Music, an MA in Music Psychology, and a Mini MBA in Brand Management… James is one of our Startle geniuses. As Creative Director, it’s his job to produce and execute our music output, making sure everything is sounding, feeling and performing just right for our customers. When he’s not on the clock, James loves to walk the dog, read, lift weights, even dabbling in some music production, and he’s known in the office for his love of Mariah Carey.

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