Startle’s research into the retail experience reveals that 50.8% of shoppers think it is less relaxing than before, with three quarters of them (74%) not intending to go with the same frequency as before lockdown.
Startle’s research into the dining experience reveals that 37% of restaurant goers feel the atmosphere is less relaxing now, but conversely 27.5% think the opposite is true; it is more relaxing than pre-lockdown times.
Startle’s research into the pub experience reveals that 45.1% of pub goers think that the experience is less relaxing than pre-lockdown. Of those, 42.1% feel the experience would be made better with entertainment.
Startle’s research into the dining experience reveals that 30.4% of restaurant goers feel the atmosphere would be better with the sound of people, with 26.5% thinking the opposite is true. Just over half (53.2%) think it is less sociable now too.
Startle’s research into the pub experience reveals that 36.6% of pub goers think the atmosphere would be better with the sound of people, as nearly two thirds of them (60.4%) also think the atmosphere was more sociable pre-lockdown.
Startle’s research into the retail experience reveals that 59.2% of shoppers think it is less sociable than before lockdown, but only a fifth of them (20%) miss the buzz and sound of people in-store.
Startle’s research into the pub experience reveals that 49.5% of pub goers who feel the atmosphere lacked something think it would be made better with music. Nearly half of all pub goers (43.3%) think the atmosphere was better pre-lockdown.
Startle’s research into the retail experience reveals that 29.3% of shoppers think music can make the retail experience better, with over a third of them (38.7%) feeling the experience was better pre-lockdown.
Startle’s research into the dining experience reveals that 32% of restaurant goers feel atmosphere would be better with music, with only 16.5% of them thinking the atmosphere is better post lockdown.
Startle’s research into the retail experience reveals that 60.5% of retail shoppers are not enjoying it like pre-lockdown, and well over half do not intend to visit stores as regularly.
Startle’s research into the dining experience reveals that 45.2% of restaurant goers are not enjoying the dining out experience as much as pre-lockdown. And that’s not all; they are also intending to dine out less in future.
Startle’s research into the pub experience reveals 54.6% of pub-goers are having less fun than pre-lockdown. And there’s more, with the majority also not intending to go to the pub as much post-lockdown.