Launching Startle's Mind The Gap research; a new and completely free-to-access consumer behaviour research hub for the retail and hospitality sectors as they reopen post-lockdown.
Whatever their strategy, retailers need to be smart and willing to adapt in order for their stores to survive. The best of the best will demonstrate how providing customers with memorable experiences in their stores can equate to long-term loyalty. With a willingness to adapt to digital trends, the right use of technology, and confidence in the role of their physical stores, retailer brands remain in good stead for 2019.
Using technology, successful businesses are now employing loyalty schemes and targeting consumers at different stages of their journeys - when a booking is made, prior to their visit, once they have left a venue, etc. This not only allows them to build a relationship with the consumer, but also enables them to collect further data for future use, such as personalised advertising and messaging to specific groups and individuals.