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The History of Background Music

The History of Background Music

Written by
James Picken

August 9, 2024


Background music is often the backing track to many of our days, the subtle heartbeat of our everyday environments, and it has a rich history that spans centuries.

Its role has evolved dramatically, shaping and enhancing the ambience of spaces, from ancient religious ceremonies to modern-day retail and hospitality venues. 

Let's take a look at the history of background music and how it has developed to be where it is today. 

Ancient origins

The concept of background music isn't a modern invention. Its roots can be traced back to ancient civilisations, where music played a crucial role in religious and cultural rituals. 

In ancient Egypt, for instance, music was used in temples to create an atmosphere of reverence and to accompany rituals. The Greeks, too, utilised music to enhance the ambiance of their symposiums, where flautists and lyre players provided a continuous musical backdrop to philosophical discussions and social gatherings.

Music during these times was not merely entertainment; it was an essential part of the experience, setting the tone and influencing the mood of participants (much like the goals we have with our customers). 

The Middle Ages to the Renaissance

During the Middle Ages, the use of music as a background element was most prominently seen in religious settings. Gregorian chants, with their meditative, repetitive nature, were performed in churches and cathedrals, creating a solemn and spiritual atmosphere. These chants were designed to be part of the environment, enhancing the sacred space without drawing attention away from the religious rituals.

As the Renaissance blossomed, music began to take on a more complex role in society. Composers like Palestrina and Josquin des Prez created intricate polyphonic compositions that were performed in churches, courts, and during communal events. Music continued to serve as an ambient enhancer, enriching the cultural and spiritual life of the time.

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in society, including how music was used in public spaces. With the advent of factories and large-scale workplaces, there arose a need to maintain productivity and morale among workers. This is perhaps where music became functional rather than just related to ambience.

In the late 19th century, the concept of "music while you work" began to take shape. Factories played upbeat tunes to keep workers energised and focused, recognising music's power to influence mood and productivity. This practice laid the foundation for Muzak, a brand that would become synonymous with background music in the 20th century.

The 20th century

The 20th century saw the formalisation of background music as a distinct category, largely thanks to Muzak.  This period marked the commercialisation of background music, as businesses recognized its potential to shape consumer experiences.

Founded in the 1930s, Muzak Corporation pioneered the concept of "elevator music," or music specifically designed to be played in the background of public spaces such as elevators, offices, and shops. The music was carefully curated to be non-intrusive, creating a pleasant ambiance without demanding the listener's full attention.

Muzak's influence spread rapidly, and by the mid-20th century, background music became a staple in commercial environments. Retailers discovered that carefully chosen background music could influence customer behaviour, encouraging them to stay longer and spend more.

The future of background music

As we move further into the 21st century, the role of background music continues to evolve. Technology, like we have at Startle, can allow brands to really perfect their background music, both in terms of changing music choices throughout the day, as well as atmospheric elements like volume and EQ adjustments. The introduction of artificial intelligence is also really important, and we’re excited to share some of our work with AI tools with our customers in the near future. As technology develops, background music becomes more personalised and impactful. 

Furthermore, the growing interest in wellness and mindfulness has led to the creation of background music designed to reduce stress, enhance focus, or promote relaxation. This trend suggests that background music will continue to play a vital role in our lives, not just as a commercial tool, but as a means to enhance well-being and enrich our daily experiences.

From the sacred halls of ancient temples to the bustling corridors of modern shopping centres, background music has been an ever-present force in shaping human experience. Its evolution reflects changes in society, technology, and culture, transforming from a ritualistic tool to a commercial strategy, and now, into an integral part of our digital and physical environments. As we look to the future, one thing is certain: background music will continue to be a powerful influence on our lives.

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The History of Background Music

James Picken

With an MA in Music, an MA in Music Psychology, and a Mini MBA in Brand Management… James is one of our Startle geniuses. As Creative Director, it’s his job to produce and execute our music output, making sure everything is sounding, feeling and performing just right for our customers. When he’s not on the clock, James loves to walk the dog, read, lift weights, even dabbling in some music production, and he’s known in the office for his love of Mariah Carey.

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