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The Importance of Volume Control in Retail and Hospitality

The Importance of Volume Control in Retail and Hospitality

Written by
James Picken

August 23, 2024


How loud is too loud? And why does it matter?

Background music can be a huge tool for businesses to build affinity with their customers, make their experiences memorable and enjoyable, and even encourage certain types of behaviour. But getting it right is important. 

One factor often overlooked is volume control. 

The balancing act: finding the right volume

Volume control is about striking the right balance between enhancing the environment and overwhelming it. Too loud, and the music becomes a distraction, causing discomfort to customers and staff alike. Too soft, and it loses its ability to influence the atmosphere.

But why is this balance so crucial? Here are a few key reasons:

1. Customer comfort and experience

Imagine walking into a store where the music is blasting. And we mean, blasting. 

Instead of browsing comfortably, you're distracted, perhaps even irritated. High volumes can create a chaotic environment, making it difficult for customers to focus on their shopping or enjoy their meal.

In contrast, well-managed volume levels contribute to a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, encouraging customers to stay longer and engage more fully with your business.

2. Impact on communication

In settings where conversation is essential, such as restaurants or offices, excessively loud music can be a major hindrance. It forces people to raise their voices to be heard, leading to frustration and a less pleasant experience. 

Conversely, when music is played at an appropriate volume, it complements the environment without interrupting the natural flow of conversation. In a retail setting, this balance can make it easier for staff to assist customers, leading to better service and higher satisfaction.

3. Employee productivity and well-being

Employees are the backbone of any business, especially in industries like retail and hospitality, and their well-being directly impacts productivity. Constant exposure to loud music can lead to stress, fatigue, and even hearing damage over time. Obviously, this depends on the setting (if you work in a bar or a nightclub, this won’t be as relevant!), but by maintaining moderate volume levels, you create a more comfortable working environment that can enhance employee focus, reduce stress, and improve overall job satisfaction. Happy employees are more likely to provide better service, creating a positive feedback loop that benefits your business.

4. Legal considerations

There are also legal implications to consider. In many regions, noise levels in public spaces are regulated to protect both workers and the public. Exceeding these levels can result in fines or other penalties - this is particularly relevant for pubs and bars. 

Being mindful of these health risks and legal requirements is crucial for responsible business management.

5. Enhancing the brand experience

Volume is a subtle but powerful tool in crafting your brand's identity. For example, a high-end boutique might use soft, elegant background music to create a sense of luxury and exclusivity. In contrast, a lively bar might have music with a higher volume to match the energetic atmosphere. However, even in environments where louder music is appropriate, it's important to avoid crossing the line into discomfort. 

Tips for effective volume control

Now that we understand the importance of volume control, here are some practical tips to ensure your music enhances rather than detracts from the customer experience:

  • Real life testing: There’s nothing more useful than experiencing volume levels yourself. Walk through your space at different times of day and work out what works for your venue. What works during a busy lunchtime rush might be too loud for a quieter afternoon.
  • Use technology: Startle Studio, our cloud-based platform, offers a volume scheduling feature that allows brands to seamlessly manage in-store sound levels by predefining volume settings based on trading patterns, such as busy, peak and lull periods. This automated system eliminates the need for staff to manually adjust the volume, ensuring a consistent and optimal sound environment across all stores. This allows brands to maintain a cohesive brand experience, enhancing the customer atmosphere without the hassle of day-to-day adjustments.
  • Get feedback: Ask your customers and employees about the music volume. Their feedback can provide valuable insights and help you fine-tune the settings.
  • Consider the space: Large, open spaces may require higher volumes to fill the area, but be cautious of echoes and sound distortion. Smaller, more intimate spaces generally benefit from lower volumes.
  • Adapt to the audience: Consider the preferences of your target audience. Younger customers might enjoy a more vibrant atmosphere, while an older crowd might prefer a quieter setting.

By carefully managing the volume of your background music, you can create an inviting, comfortable environment that leaves a lasting positive impression on your customers. 

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The Importance of Volume Control in Retail and Hospitality

James Picken

With an MA in Music, an MA in Music Psychology, and a Mini MBA in Brand Management… James is one of our Startle geniuses. As Creative Director, it’s his job to produce and execute our music output, making sure everything is sounding, feeling and performing just right for our customers. When he’s not on the clock, James loves to walk the dog, read, lift weights, even dabbling in some music production, and he’s known in the office for his love of Mariah Carey.

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